History: This outfit is a result of my years and years of pining! Pining for what you may ask? Well, I have been  pining for boots since like forever, then for high waist pants which reach my ankle (I finally had to get them stitched) and recently the cropped top which I am always too shy to wear for they make me look taller than I already am.

Top: theclosetlabel.com
Pants: Tailor made
Sling: donebynone.com
Belt: Shopper's Stop
Boots: Woodland

Why I love this outfit?: It has tall pants and a cropped top and who doesn't love something contrasting? It's airy so perfect for a summer day. AND IT HAS BOOTS!!

Budget: Though I got these pants stitched and the sling is like a zillion years old (2 years in real world, zillion in a girl's) but the boots sure burnt a hole in my pocket! But they are boots and as Monika says, "See Chandler? I'm getting a lot of use out of them already. They're very practical. See, you can wear them with dresses, with skirts, with pants..."

My love for travelling comes to me from my father. And he and I both love impromptu trips. Our trip to Kashmir was one. Where impromptu trips have a certain adrenalin rush to them, planning is considered wise for a reason. As a result, we could not get last minute air tickets to Srinagar and hence decided to travel by road.

And travelling by road meant 18 hours of rickety bumpy stretches, zillion toll plazas and even more police officers. Not to mention the scorching sun outside. Were we irritated? Yes!!! Now have a look at the title of this post :)

Shikaras in Dal Lake, Srinagar

Gulmarg Valley

Herd of sheep in Gulmarg

Betaab Valley, Pahalgam

Srinagar is not just any city. IT IS the capital of paradise in India. The myriad colors of Dal Lake in the lap of the mighty Himalayas, the exquisitely carved house boats, the zillion bhel-puri vendors, the shouts of the Shikara paddlers, everything about Srinagar fills you with an instant energy. A ride in the Shikaras and you are in the very lap of nature.

Valleys of Gulmarg and Pahalgam are just as unique and exquisite. Lush green mountains with ice caps all around, yellow and pink flowers budding from here and there, the musical streams of water from just about anywhere and everywhere, shops carrying the beautiful Kashmiri embroidered suits and wraps and the occasional sighting of a herd of sheeps and lambs is enough to leave you in awe for days to come.

After 5 days in Kashmir we again had an 18 hour journey ahead of us on our way back and all I could think of was, Jannat Hai!
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